Monday, October 6, 2014


Yesterday, I was missing home. I was actually trying to take a nap, which was successful for a little bit and then I woke up momentarily and then my mind just took off! I started thinking about the fall season, which is one of my favorite seasons, and started to feel a bit sad. I missed family, friends, football parties, the leaves changing colors, jeans, sweatshirts, bon fires, church, lit candles that smell like fall, pumpkin carving etc. I felt sad that its possible we may miss this wondrous season and come back right into winter!

I had this feeling inside of me-and I realized that it's the "the grass is greener on the other side" feeling. "If I could just be home, then I will be satisfied and feel happy." I felt kinda empty and dissatisfied. Essentially, I was being ungrateful. Which threw up a red flag right away! Thank the Lord for His working in my life to point out to me when I am trying to run to something else to satisfy me instead of running to Jesus. I'm NOT saying that I am perfect or good at always running to Jesus and letting Him satisfy me and fill those desires. I am saying that for me, noticing a red flag is progress. In the past, 90% of the time I would just continue to travel down this road of being sad and bummed out and just sit in it for a while instead of running the opposite way towards Jesus. So I am praising Him for that today! He is answering my prayer for wisdom, thankfulness and joy!

So, these thoughts popped in my head..." what is home? Why do I miss it so much? How can Christ satisfy this desire and longing in me to be at home right now?" For me, home is home because of the people and memories and daily life. I miss the routine (however, it has been very nice to be out of that routine right now), the normal activities we are involved in, I miss our missional community, and of course our family and friends! I am so excited for everyone to meet Uriah and for Uriah to meet everyone at home! It's bizarre because everyone at home is still living normal life and I feel like life at home should be paused and then start back up when we come home Lord willing! I feel like we are missing out! Home is wonderful, enjoyable, at times stressful, busy, fun, memorable etc. I miss that.

But I have found/remembered and continue to find something exciting and encouraging to my soul. First of all, the Lord is sovereign, is wise and loves and provides for His children. I know He is taking care of our hearts during this season of life as well as the other two families here! Without Him I would have no hope. I don't need to worry about tomorrow or when we will come home  (even though I hope it is soon!) He knows when that will be, and it will be the right time-to fit into His perfect plan. It encourages me that He is caring for us! Thank you God!

Secondly, my permanent home is not on this earth, it is with my father in heaven. Yes, I can miss home and not know when we will be returning, however, my heart does not need to be worried about my forever home. I know when I will be going (ok, not the exact date... it will either be when I die or when Jesus comes back), I know it will be BEAUTIFUL (check out Revelations 21), I know I will be with my Savior and with all my brothers and sisters and I know I will be there FOREVER! I know He is preparing a place for me and for all of those who believe and come to believe in Him! There will be no uncertainty in this home! YAHOO!

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." John 14:1-4

Such beautiful and exciting words! Side note, this passage makes me think of my grandma because it is her favorite passage of scripture! Love you grandma! Anywho...I just thought that was an oasis in the midst of some of the dryness I have been experiencing lately! I am so glad God is patient with me while He teaches me contentment. I have a long way to go, but am excited about what He has been teaching me thus far! Now, on to the gifts!

47. Bubbles
48. Sojourn church! Our home church away from home! We love it there and are so glad they are preaching and living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ
49. Friends to hang out with here (and watch football on 3 different computer screens... that may have happened!)
50. Laughing
51. Silly faces
52. Uriah's juicy farts lol sorry if this is tmi, but Uriah had a lot of them today which resulted in at least 3 or 4 poopy diapers! You just need to laugh about it!
53. Card games with a 4 year old where you make up the rules as you go along!
54. Technology to be able to stay in touch with our friends and family!

Also, quick update, still no news today on the form we need. We will keep you posted! Please keep praying and trusting Christ!

For Christ's Glory,

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